Summer Splash - Creativity with Multiple Intelligence

 Why Creativity?

We believe that Exposure to visual art is an essential part of a child’s mentaland social development. Through art and craft, children learn to express themselves and to develop their own sense of style.  In our opinion, participation in the arts also encourages creative thinking, language fluency, originality, and elaboration. We want our younger ones to be able to realize what they can do with their own hands.We want to give them an Experience that helps them to Explore!

We are all born creative, but if we neglect to develop and strengthen these skills, our creativity becomes inhibited. By assisting and encouraging a child's creativity, you set the stage for endless opportunities for that child's imagination. A healthy imagination not only creates a resourceful and productive individual, but it also builds self-esteem, which is an important tool that will be used for the rest of that child's life. When a child creates a work of art, they are not just drawing a picture, they are also creating aspects of self-importance, individuality and engaging in self-expression.

Summer Programs

Planet Pals: Nature and Recycling - 2 weeks
Morning FUN

Go Green!! Our environment needs us TODAY, more than ever before. This program helps children to come closer to Nature, by understanding it better. Using natural materials, which are acquired without hurting nature, the children learn to create and build. Activities such as rock painting, making jewelery with peanuts and bottle caps, planting saplings, ice cream stick planes, twig mobiles etc. all form part of the program.

Clic here for schedule of programs



Global Gypsies: People and Cultures - 2 weeks
Morning FUN

This program takes the children on a journey across the 7 seas!! The objective is to expose the children to the varied cultures and traditions from across the world.

Learning about the Moroccan mosaics, Indonesian puppets, Japanese festive banners and Indian weaving techniques are glimpses of the program.

click here for schedule of programs